
Have fun inside my head!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby's First Tooth!

My daughter has her first tooth! Oh, the milestones we mothers mark. Some are quite silly like Baby's First Bath- I mean, you know the kid will have thousands of baths in the future, so it doesn't seem that special unless you are a mom. Or Baby's First Burp. Even moms don't necessarily celebrate that one aloud unless they are alone with Baby (but inwardly, moms are thinking, "Oh, how sweet!" and of the bodily functions we have to deal with, it is one of the nicer ones).

But Baby's First Tooth is pretty remarkable because it comes after a long teething process of snot and drool and sometimes fever. Milli had it kind of light. She was a little fussy, didn't sleep much and drooled a lot! But it could have been much worse. In fact, she didn't fuss any more on the day the tooth broke through than she had any other day, from what I could tell. But then, you will hear me talk of my perfect child ad nauseum. Did I mention she began sleeping through the night at 3 weeks? I just lost some readers, didn't I?

Milli's little front right tooth broke through on Monday (April 2, 2012). We let her chew on our fingers if they are clean and I felt a little nip. Sure enough, white was showing through her gums with little ridges on it! The left tooth looks about to break through- in fact, I should check for it today- and we have been able to feel the top teeth close to the surface of the gums for a couple weeks now. Milli is just shy of 5 months, so they are a bit early, but not a record by any means. Some babies are even born with teeth. 

Now the only caution is that of breastfeeding. Anyone got any advice there? She hasn't bitten me yet, but I want to respond properly if she does. I have a dear friend whose youngest almost removed her nipple completely! Youch! Also, my husband was a known biter according to his mama, so I'm hoping she didn't get those genes. I was on the bottle by the time I got teeth... in fact, I may have been on the cup by that point- have to check with my mom.

 Anyway, just sharing the excitement. Now lets see if I can get a picture!

There! You can just barely see the bumpy tooth directly below the tip of her tongue! Oh, the joys of motherhood. So much fuss over a little piece of bone that pokes through some skin. And here is a picture of her eating a chicken. Yes, we graduate quickly here.


  1. I see it! Woohoo!
    You won't have much to worry about with biting until the top teeth come in. All of my kids have bitten me at one point or another, but none of them left any lasting damage, and none of them did it enough to drive me to wean. I hope Milli will not give you any problems!

  2. She is a fan of that chicken for sure!
