Every year but one of my life as a Hamilton, the family (or, as much as can) gets together during the summer for a vacation. Each year is a little different, but most years we gather at a cottage on Lake Platte in Honor, MI. This year, only our small family and the Sr. Hams could make it to the cabin; but the girls joined us in Grand Rapids afterwards and we all made a trip to meet with Beth and Teddy for lunch one day. Sadly, Jim was in Baltimore and could not join us.
It was nice to leave Texas heat and travel north. It was actually chilly on the lake! We loved it! It rained some of the first two days but was nice enough at times to get Milli out in the canoe ("Just like Fred and Ted!") and do a 5k.
To the left is Milli getting ready for our trip. She is stylin' in Daddy's favorite tie.
Some other noted events in Honor: Ed and I saw a double feature at the drive in; we ate pie; we played Firefly 5 times; we ate more pie; we did a 2 1/2 hour kayak trip across two lakes; we wanted more pie but abstained; we spent some time at the beach (pictured below); I read a thick book plus 1/2 of a short story by Tolstoy; we bought books at a bookstore that we can't help but buy books at every time we go; we ate fusion food; we ate ice cream; we ate a lot (but I didn't gain a pound!); the girls got lots of Nana and Pop time; Nana and Pop got lots of girl time; we ate at the Cherry Hut; Molly only woke once each night we were there!
I can't think of anything else.
On our way back from Honor, Ed, the girls, and I stopped at the farmer's market in Big Rapids to see some friends. We then went to see their 80 acre farm and walked the entire thing!
Pop shows Milli the lake. |
The water was cold! |
Independent Milli wanted to walk herself- no hand holding for this 2 1/2 year old! |
At Lake Michigan. I think I want a paddle board! |
Milli loved the beautiful white sand of MI! |
She really, really loved it. |
Our car is still sandy. |
I showed her how to bury her feet. |
Nana and Pop chillin'. |
This poor little guy got 1/2 of one of his wings torn off by a bird. He was soft and beautiful. It's a cecropia moth. |
Molly had fun playing peek-a-boo! |
Once back from the lake, we met Aunt Keoina and Cousin Lauren for dinner. |
We didn't see a great many people not related by blood on this trip. We had lunch with the VanderZand clan before leaving for the lake and I got to see one friend for breakfast the day we left. When we got back, I HAD to see my cousin Lauren (on pain of death!) because she had yet to meet Molly! Lauren is moving to Arizona at the end of July, so it was her last chance to meet Molly while she is still a baby. The next time we see her will be whenever we go to Phoenix; and we aren't sure when that will be. Aunt Keoina joined us for dinner.
I spent some time with my mother and sisters at Bizarre, Bizarre in East Town on Saturday. It has been forever since we had a girls' day. We also ate yummy Thai food! Later that day we played Firefly with friends and the DeGraws came over for pizza.
Sunday, we drove east to meet with Beth and Teddy! We ate some yummy food and played at a park. Some recent transplants from North Carolina were walking their dogs and were stopped by adoring children for about half an hour. Later that day the girls and I went swimming at Nana and Pop's hotel.
Monday, we went to the museum and planetarium! We watched a lovely little show called "The Little Star That Could." Milli loved it! She saw Saturn and yelled, "That's a planet!" and later "That's where stars are born!" You could tell that she helped me with my homework during my recent astronomy course. We also rode the carousel, but Milli didn't want a horse that went up and down. We chose a deer that stayed stable. She kept yelling, "Now we're having fun!" And we were! Later that day, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Michael came over for another round of Firefly.
Other noted events from GR: Ed and I saw Captain America in 3D; my brother and I saw Divergent; I read 1/2 of another book; we played outside on soft grass; we took walks; the girls played with their cousin, Ada; Ada read to Milli; Molly woke only once each night except one while we were at Nana's; I had some good wine.
I'm learning about the old City Hall. One phone was not loud enough. |
All the Hamilton (Whipple) cousins! |
Look! Grass you can sit on without finding fire ants or scorpions! Also, it isn't pokey! |
We had pretty good drives up and back. On the way up, we had a hard time finding a hotel with vacancy, so we ended up getting all the way to Michigan City the first day! Check a map- that's far! I left Longview at 7ish (after waking before six) and drove until Midnight. That did make a very short day the next day, though. The girls were golden and Molly even slept all night in the hotel! On the way back, there was a little more fuss, mostly on the second day. Molly slept the entire night in the hotel AGAIN! We did two almost equal days, though. I was so tired by the time we got home that all I wanted to do was sit- but we had to empty the car and buy groceries before that could happen.
The big event at home was the departure of Dr. Ball. He has been living with us since four days before Molly was born (over 9 months). He will be spending the next 6 months in Vancouver, BC Canada doing a sabbatical teaching stint there. We pray he has a good trip and that God uses him there. Now, our house feels a little more empty. But we are enjoying the peace of it- if you can call a grouchy baby girl screaming "peace."
I'll leave you with a selfie from Molly. She is getting really good at them. I even have one on my phone.