
Have fun inside my head!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Soccer Season Has Begun!

Molly looks so much like her daddy.
It is soccer season once again at LeTourneau University. Today was the first game we made it to. We usually just go to see the girls' team because the boys play later and it is usually past my girls' bedtime. Molly had the most fun with the music at half time and between the end of regulation and overtime. It was an exciting game! I missed two of the four goals and I think Ed missed the other two- one of us had to have our eyes on Milli because she tended to wander off. Molly loved to dance and be thrown and did go after her ball a few times. Milli brought the soccer ball she got for her first birthday and played with her friend Brooks, with Daddy, and with me. She also wanted to go to the baseball stadium and to play Frisbee with some boys who were playing in the field next to us (and when I say "some boys" I mean two large teams of boys playing ultimate Frisbee!). One thing that Milli wasn't sure of was our mascot- a large Yellow Jacket! Molly loved him.
We had good seats.

This was the only time Molly really took notice of the game.

Molly and Dolly. With Jamberry in the background.

There are so few pics of me with my kids; and the ones I have look kind of like this.

I noticed that I haven't a lot of pics of Molly- so I got a bunch today.

Milli at a great distance.

Hamiltons play barefoot.

I love pictures of Daddy with his girls!

Milli dropped the ball to stack all those markers at one point. Ed had to go set them back up again afterward!

Somehow she got mud on her face. My tough girl!

Clapping at the third goal!

Daddy was sporting his school colors tie and was pretty happy when we went up 3-1.

All the pics I have of the game are blurry. The other team tied us at the beginning of the second half- but we won in double overtime.

Yea! We won!!

I love my family.

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